Blog > glass surface cleaner
Cleaning Cameras – ROR Lens Cleaner
Cleaning Cameras by Philip Greenspun Remember that your camera is just a tool. Don’t pamper it. You can always buy a new one. If you leave your camera in a closet, it will never get dirty or broken, but you won’t have too many great photographs to show for yourself. Many of the best […]
LCD Screen Cleaner, Lens Cleaner, iPhone Cleaner!!! What is this amazing stuff?
LCD Screen Cleaner, Lens Cleaner, iPhone Cleaner!!! What is this amazing stuff? Professional photographers were among the first audience to embrace ROR. Now that the general population is equipped with cell phones with multi-touch tablets and cameras built into them, ROR has a whole new audience of consumers in need of its product. Laboratories and hospitals […]
New York City Screen Cleaner….Only The Best Will Do
The big question that is always floating around the NYC is which screen cleaner is best for my screen? Choosing a New York City Screen Cleaner is an important decision. ROR Screen Cleaner is the Best New York City Screen Cleaner. ROR is affordable, easy to carry and wipes away nearly any oil, smudge or streak. […]
The New “Nook”…….Even New Nooks Need Cleaned
It is looking like tomorrow will be the big day… http://news.cnet.com/new-nook-coming-soon-most-likely-e-ink-model/8301-17938_105-20059970-1.html Barnes & Nobel will be unveiling their new “Nook” eReader. With the smashing success of their first generation of eReaders, it will be exciting to see what new developments they have come up with. New or Not, your Nook screen is getting dirty!!!! Let […]
Superior Product
When I clean lenses I can tell when they get superlatively clean because all resistance in moving the Q-tip on the glass surface seems to disappear. Looking at the lens obliquely in a bright light also shows zero smudges, streaks, or spots on a very-clean lens. You can achieve this with IPA, but it might […]